Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Now Offering Canine and Feline Iridology

"Are you at a loss regarding the direction you should take to improve or maintain your health or the health of your loved one to include your furry family members?" asks Marcia Briseno, founder of Wholelife Wellness in Albuquerque which now offers canine and feline iridology consultations.

Iridology provides a non-invasive, painless and economical means of looking into the body and can be used in conjunction with any other system of analysis available.  "Knowing your iris structure helps improve your genetic line through nutrition and lifestyle modifications," says Brisneno.

According to Brisneno, iridology is an external eye analysis that reveals one's current level of health and genetic predispositions.  "The eyes has a reflex connection to tissues and organs in the body via the nervous system," she explains.  "Visual information is sent to the brain from the eyes by way of the optic nervous system.  In the same manner, information is sent to the eyes about the overall condition of our organs and tissues in the body."

Wholelife Wellness offers a two-visit Human External Eye Analysis for $105 and two-visit Canine/Feline External Eye Analysis for $45 ($35 if clear photos for the iris and whites of the eyes are provided) 

Marcia Briseno
For more information, call 505-582-9296 or email

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Is CBD For Your Pet?

By now, most people have heard about the many health & wellness benefits of CBD hemp oil.  CBD and the other naturally occurring cannabinoids found in the hemp plant have been shown to provide people with relief for a variety of debilitating ailments, but did you also know that CBD is good for your dogs, cats and other household pets?

CBD for your Pet

More and more people are discovering the myriad benefits of sharing pure CBD hemp oil with their four legged family members.  How exactly does CBD work for your pet?  The same way it works for you. CBD activates receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS).
Did you know, all mammals have an ECS?
In fact, a recent study conducted by the University of Oxford found that- “CBD binds to these receptors for a longer duration (in dogs), and evokes long-lasting therapeutic response without causing toxic effects.”
The ECS plays a role in nearly every physiological system in you and your pet’s body.  Although the ECS affects a wide variety of biological processes, many experts believe its overall function is to regulate homeostasis.  It is for this reason that thousands of pet owners are using CBD. It is helping them to manage a broad spectrum of health and behavioral issues affecting their pets.  A few of the reported benefits of giving pure CBD hemp oil to your pet include: assisting with hip and joint mobility, aiding their digestive tract, supporting their immune system, increasing appetite and soothing pets that suffer from separation anxiety.

Not just CBD that your Pet needs

Receptra naturals pet Hemp pure cbd oil
Receptra Naturals also includes MCT oil in our pet products.  This combination of MCT oil and full-plant hemp extract offers an excellent source of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids for your pets.  These are essential fatty acids, meaning your dog or cat cannot produce them naturally and must obtain from other sources.  A good balance of these fatty acids is critical for the health & wellness of your pet.  According to a recent article in, “After years of research, Purina experts have discovered that fatty acids derived from MCT oil can be used as an energy source for the brain.”
Currently the benefits of giving CBD hemp oil to household pets remain largely anecdotal. The strong safety profile of CBD should put the concerns of most curious pet owners at ease.  The most common side effect of CBD is that your pet may get a little drowsy.  Whether your pet suffers from a specific ailment or you simply want to improve their overall health and wellness, give them the quality of life they deserve with CBD.

Want to give it a try?  Read more about this wonderful plant on their website, Receptra Naturals. 

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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Your dog (or cat) will love this! Seaweed calcium now available for animals and pets

 If you're a pet owner, you'll be interested to know that we've just introduced a remarkable nutritional supplement called Health Ranger's Seaweed Calcium for Animals and Pets. Although formulated specifically for animals, this is human-grade calcium of the highest quality.
Calcium is a major structural component of bones and teeth and is an essential dietary mineral for your pet. However, most low-end calcium supplements come from limestone, ground up oyster shells, or bone meal – all of which are difficult for dogs, cats and most other animals to fully digest. (And often contaminated with lead, too...)

The calcium content of bone meal, for example, is contained within relatively large particles of bone that appear as jagged tiles when viewed under a microscope. These particles are very slow to digest, and they pass through the body before much of the calcium can be fully absorbed.

Furthermore, the density of bone meal particles varies, so you never know exactly how much bioavailable calcium is in each teaspoon or cup, which makes it very difficult to measure servings accurately.

Health Ranger's Seaweed Calcium for Animals and Pets offers a huge advantage over bone meal and other forms of calcium. Being from a vegetable source makes it much easier for dogs, cats and other animals to digest. And being 100% derived from natural seaweed, it contains a full spectrum of bioavailable calcium from plants.

It's on sale now at the Natural News Store. To place an order, you can click on this link now.
Unlike some seaweed brands that are sourced from heavily-polluted China, the naturally calcified seaweed we use is harvested from a pristine ocean source off the coast of Ireland, where seaweed has long been used to treat a variety of maladies.
In these saltwaters, where the North Atlantic Ocean meets the Celtic Sea, there grows a small red seaweed called Lithothamnium, which is composed of a wide variety of essential nutrients. In addition to calcium, it also contains sulphur, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, selenium and magnesium, all of which help boost calcium absorption into the bones.

As with everything the Natural News Store sells, it's also laboratory verified for safety and purity. And of course it's non-GMO.

With Health Ranger's Seaweed Calcium for Animals and Pets, you can be sure your furry friends are getting all the calcium and essential minerals that they need, in the world's most easy-to-digest and bioavailable form. Supplement your pet's health and happiness by clicking on this link now.

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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Friday, January 16, 2015

Pet Bed-Buddies

Is Sleeping Together Healthy?

Erik J. Martin

There was a time when Eliska, a three-pound Prague ratter, would curl up and sleep next to owner Krista DeAngelis, and most of the time, she and the dog enjoyed a peaceful night’s slumber.

Then DeAngelis married, and her husband banned the dog from the bed for fear of unintentionally squashing Eliska in his sleep. After enduring a few sleepless nights of canine whining and barking, the Salt Lake City couple successfully curbed their pet’s protests by simply spraying Eliska with a misting bottle every time she acted up.

After two nights of this routine, the pocket-sized pooch was fully trained to sleep by herself in another room.
“I originally thought letting my dog sleep in my bed was a good idea,” says DeAngelis, a communications director at Westminster College. “But I realized that they can keep you up when they rustle around, wake you up if they have to go out and sometimes go to the bathroom in the bed if you don’t wake up.”

Make a Good Choice

“Having your pet sleep in the bed with you is a personal choice,” says holistic Veterinarian Patrick Mahaney, of California Pet Acupuncture & Wellness, in West Hollywood. By discouraging this behavior, “Your pet will be less likely to confuse your bed with theirs, and therefore prevent potential territory-related problems.” By failing to discourage it, “You not only face the possibility of behavioral problems, you could also face adverse effects to your own sleep and health,” he notes.

Staying in close contact makes it easier to pick up fleas, ticks or skin mites a pet may carry, and can worsen allergies. ~ Roger Valentine, holistic veterinarian

According to results published in a survey of 300 sleep disorder patients conducted by Dr. John Shepard, then medical director of the Mayo Clinic Sleep Disorders Center, in Rochester, Minnesota, nearly 60 percent of the pet owners in the study slept with their pets inside the bedroom. Twenty-two percent of the patients were likely to have pets sleeping on the bed with them. Plus, 53 percent said their sleep was disrupted to some extent every night. Twenty-one percent and 7 percent of their dogs and cats, respectively, snored.

Yet, a British study of 420 UK cat owners conducted by the nonprofit Cats Protection revealed that 44 percent of respondents (including 51 percent of women polled) said they enjoyed a better night’s sleep with a cat in bed with them than with a human companion. Benefits listed included an absence of snoring, more space on the bed and soothing purrs.

A pet’s companionship can reduce levels of stress hormones while enabling people to deal with their emotions and stressful situations.
~ American Heart Association journal, Hypertension

“The advantages of letting your pet share your bed include companionship, warmth and a sense of security,” advises Mahaney. Among the drawbacks, he notes lack of space for people to sleep, interruption of normal sleep patterns and the pet’s confusion about its expected place to sleep.

Nip Problems in the Bud

To break a pet of a bed-sleeping habit, Mahaney recommends applying persistence, consistency and the following tips:

• Establish a separate area or bed for the pet to sleep. A cat or dog bed can be as simple as a clean, soft blanket placed nearby.

• Use positive reinforcement techniques. Offer a tiny training treat, “gooddog” clicker noise or praise when the animal is comfortably resting in its own bed, to reinforce this desirable behavior.

• Immediately address any territorial aggression when co-sleeping with a pet, such as growling or nipping. First, authoritatively say, “No!” Then put the pet on the floor or into its own bed and give the command to sit and stay.

• If problematic behavior persists, seek consultation with a veterinary behavior specialist.

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

If a family member decides to share a bed with a pet, Mahaney offers the following recommendations:

• Let it sleep on top of the covers, instead of under them.

• Be aware of the need to remove environmental debris, including fecal material, on its coat before bedtime.

• Give the dog an opportunity to void itself within a reasonable time frame before going to sleep. A typical healthy dog should not have to get up in the middle of the night to urinate or defecate.

• Allow a cat the opportunity to exit the bedroom throughout the night to play, eat, drink and use the litter box. Cats are nocturnal animals and are more likely to be active during lights out.

Erik J. Martin regularly contributes to, from which this was adapted.

This article appears in the December 2014 issue of Natural Awakenings

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Guide Dogs Are Truly Amazing- Secret Life of Dogs

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Deaf dog flips at Riverview Christian School

By Zachary Laux
Times Staff Writer

Riverview Christian School students and staff hold hoops for Angelyne the Amazing Deaf Cattle Dog to jump through. (Zachary Laux / Fort Morgan Times)

Students at Riverview Christian School near Brush "oohed" and "awed" as the dog performed tricks. The Australian cattle dog sought out treats, jumped for tennis balls and even jumped through a series of hoops, all without the use of her ears. The dog is deaf.

Dog trainer Eric Melvin brought Angelyne the Amazing DEAF Cattle Dog, to the Morgan County school Tuesday, not only to show off the ticks she can do, but to teach students important life lessons. Melvin and Angelyne are both originally from Colorado and have traveled the United States performing tricks and speaking to students. Their lessons aim to teach students about acceptance, the value of practice and how to overcome challenges.
Eric Melvin scratches the belly of his dog, Angelyne. (Zachary Laux 

Melvin and Angelyne have been presenting to groups for about seven years and reached two major milestones in that time. Melvin and Angelyne passed their 400th presentation and hit 400 volunteer hours.
Melvin told students at Riverview Tuesday that meeting Angelyne was one of the best things to ever come into his life. But it was also unexpected, or perhaps it was fate.

"Angelyne was a gift to me," Melvin said. "I chose her because I am supposed to be here. I am supposed to do this work."

Melvin met Angelyne in Fort Collins after reading a newspaper ad reporting a litter of seven puppies were born.

Melvin said at about eight weeks old, the unnamed puppy that would later become known as Angelyne behaved differently.

Continue to read more about the amazing deaf dog, Angelyne 


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Sunday, June 15, 2014

17 Benefits of Having an Animal as Your Best Friend

by Catharine Symblème
 Why Are Animal Friends Better Than Human Friends?
 Sometimes, relationships with humans are … well, complicated. Talk too little, and our human friends might think we’re hiding something. Talk too much, and we’re a bore. If we’re seen in public with a human friend’s significant other, it could get us in a lot of hot water. And of course, there’s trying to schedule time to see our human friends, or worse, putting up with their bratty kids while we’re trying to have a decent conversation over sushi.

Let’s face it; our real best friends are animals. Here’s why:

1. Animal friends always laugh at our jokes,


2. Listen attentively to our complaints,


3. And tell us exactly what they think about them.


4. We never have to worry about carrying on a conversation with our animal friends,

Shut up

5. Or finding someone to help out at work.


6. Our animal friends always have our back if things get crazy,

Cat with guns

7. And are there to comfort us when our hearts get broken.


8. Animal friends make sure we don’t miss a workout,

Bicep curl  Workout

9. And act as a mode of transportation if the car breaks down.

Turtle car

10. At our next party, if the DJ flakes out, our animal friends are there to get the music going,

Chicken rap

11. Get things moving on the dance floor,

Dog Dance 


12. And intercept any unwanted advances.


13. Our animal friends won’t even ruin our party by talking about politics or religion.


14. Sometimes we can get our animal friends to bring us the newspaper,

Bring it

15. Especially if there’s food involved.

Horse foodie

16. Did I mention that animal friends are great workout buddies?


17. They ask so little in return; just give ‘em a pat now and then, and they’re happy.

Featured photo credit: Ângela Antunes via

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